Selection Timeline

The five finalists will be selected based on the first-round screening of their portfolios and the final-round screening of their exhibition plans. Finalists will receive a cash prize to help with their creation costs and will be allowed to create their work based on their plan at one of Warehouse TERRADA's facilities.


  • November 20th (Wed), 2024:Entries start

    Entry Period:Online entries


  • January 31st (Fri), 2025 6:00 PM:Deadline for applications

    First-round screening period:Portfolios examination
  • May 15th (Thu), 2025:Notification to those who passed the first screening

    Period for preparation of plans for the final-round screening
  • June 30th (Mon), 2025:Deadline for exhibition plans

    The final-round screening:Examination of exhibition plans and portfolios
  • September 10th (Wed), 2025:Announcement of the five finalists

    Installation and creation period for the Finalist Exhibition
  • January 15th (Thu), 2026 to
    February 1st (Sun), 2026
    Finalist Exhibition


3 million yen(awarded as creation costs to each of the five finalist groups)

Opportunity to exhibit their works at TERRADA ART AWARD 2025 Finalist Exhibition

  • *1Contingent upon displaying works at TERRADA ART AWARD 2025 Finalist Exhibition (must include one new piece). Finalists are asked to declare the expenses incurred in the creation of their exhibited works (including all costs spent exhibiting the artwork, such as transportation, exhibition setup, and equipment costs, as well as staffing costs for assistants, etc., travel and accommodation costs, etc.) Of the 3 million yen awarded, an amount equivalent to these exhibition creation costs (i.e., the "exhibition commission costs") is paid as a commission fee, and the remaining balance is paid as the prize.
  • *2The remaining balance described in 1. above is paid after deducting withholding income tax and special income tax for reconstruction.
  • *3If creation costs for the exhibited works are more than 3 million yen, then the finalist themself shall be responsible for paying the excess.

Qualifying Activity

Contemporary Art (including all forms of media such as two-dimensional works like paintings; photography; three-dimensional works (objects); textiles; videos; digital media art; physical expression such as performances, etc.; and sound art or music, etc.)

Terms and Conditions of Entry

Anyone who meets all the following criteria is eligible to enter the award:

  • AAny nationality, but the applicant must be able to communicate in Japanese
  • BIndividuals or groups, but only one entry per person or group
  • CAnyone aged 18–44 at the time entries open (applicable to the representative in the case of a group)
  • DBe able to participate in the finalist exhibition (including setup and teardown) and award ceremony to be held from December 2025 to February 2026.
  • EHave at least one exhibition experience.
  • FAnyone who has not previously been selected as a finalist in TERRADA ART AWARD

Entry Method

Please submit the following information online using the entry form. Please check the entry form for details on each of the items. (Entry forms will be released in late November)

  • ABasic information: artist name or group name; age; academic background; address; e-mail; phone number; image showcasing the artwork; type of artwork
  • BBiography (activities as an artist, track record of exhibitions)
  • CApplicant's statement
  • DPortfolio
  • EDocuments that highlight artistic activities, such as articles published in the past
  • *B–E should be prepared in advance in the required format. The entry shall not be accepted if the information is not prepared in the required form.

Screening Criteria

Entries are reviewed based on the Vision for TERRADA ART AWARD, in line with the individual criteria for the Award and the specific standards of the jury

Final-round Screening

Successful applicants in the first round of screening must submit an exhibition plan and budget list for the Finalist Exhibition. Please note the following essential points when preparing your exhibition plan.

Essential Point

  • AFinalists must create artwork for the Finalist Exhibition (including at least one new work). Finalists must declare the expenses incurred in the creation and exhibition of their artwork. The equivalent of these expenses will be paid as a commission fee from the 3 million yen, with the remaining balance being paid as the final prize.
  • BIf creation and exhibition costs for the works are more than 3 million yen, then the finalist themselves shall be responsible for paying the excess. Generally, finalists are responsible for preparing everything necessary for their exhibition, such as video equipment, display stands, etc. You should contact us in advance regarding artworks that are likely to be difficult to exhibit, such as those requiring special operations or equipment. We may not be able to allow you to display, depending on the circumstances.
  • CDepending on the materials to be used in the planned exhibition, advance approval may be required from the appropriate authorities or the fire department.
  • DArtworks that emit offensive odors or that require the use of large volumes of water are not allowed. Apart from the existing holes in the ceiling, no other holes can be made to hang artworks.
  • EThe use of fire is strictly prohibited.
  • FNote that only those who are successful in the first round will be contacted with details of the exhibition floor area, floor load-bearing capacity and electrical capacity, etc.